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Susan Montoya Bryan
Position: The Associated Press

New Mexico panel opts to end recreational cougar trapping

ALBUQUERQUE – New Mexico regulators have adopted new rules that will prohibit trapping or snaring cougars for sport, marking a small victory for animal protection groups that have been fight...

Fire-ravaged forests get help from pine cone collectors

Seeds collected to plant in scorched areas

Judge eases Christmas tree-cutting ban in fight over owl

ALBUQUERQUE – The scope of a tree-cutting ban across several national forests in the Southwest has been further narrowed to allow for Christmas tree permits and prescribed burns under a new ...

Southwest tribes oppose spent nuclear fuel storage plans

ALBUQUERQUE – Native American leaders from New Mexico are opposing plans that call for storing in the desert Southwest tons of spent nuclear fuel from power plants around the U.S. ...

Groups: Saving Mexican gray wolves requires new approach

ALBUQUERQUE – Dozens of environmental groups and scientists have asked U.S. wildlife managers to rethink how they plan to ensure the survival of Mexican gray wolves in the Southwest. ...

U.S. forest managers want judge to revisit tree-cutting ban

ALBUQUERQUE – The U.S. Forest Service wants a federal judge to reconsider an order that halted tree-cutting across thousands of square miles of forest in the Southwest, saying efforts to add...

Renewable energy firm doubles down on western wind projects

ALBUQUERQUE – A California-based renewable energy developer plans to increase by seven-fold its investments as it prepares to build more wind farms in New Mexico over the next several years....

Lizard protections sought amid U.S. oil boom

ALBUQUERQUE – A small lizard found among the dunes straddling New Mexico and West Texas in one of the nation’s richest oil basins is at the center of a new lawsuit. Environmentali...

Chocolate’s ancient path leads to Chaco Canyon

Discovery a link to Mesoamerica

Holtec preparing to build nuclear waste storage facility

ALBUQUERQUE – A New Jersey-based company has reached an agreement with a construction trades group as it pushes for approval to build a multibillion-dollar facility for temporarily storing s...

U.S. appeals court to decide fight over jaguar habitat

ALBUQUERQUE – It will be up to a federal appeals court to decide whether tens of thousands of acres in New Mexico should be reserved as critical habitat for the endangered jaguar. ...

New Mexico moving to crack down on unpaid wage claims

ALBUQUERQUE – A popular New Mexico restaurant was the first business to be targeted Thursday in a state and local push to enforce wage laws. Officials said they were suing Haciend...